Legal notice – General information in accordance with TDG (German Tele Services Act) Section 6
These pages have been prepared by: Heads 4 Solution Personal- und Unternehmensberatung
Jens Werhahn
Personal- und Unternehmensberatung
Am Güterbahnhof 17
31303 Burgdorf/Region Hannover
Tel: +49 (0) 5136 – 8001 301
Fax.: +49 (0) 5136 – 8001 309
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
USt.ID: DE 278699339
Conditions of use
1. Declaration of consent
By accessing and browsing the website of Heads 4 Solution and/or downloading contents you declare your consent to the following conditions of use and accept these.
2. Object of the website
The website of Heads 4 Solution is intended to provide information and communication. All information has been made available exclusively for information purposes and cannot be interpreted to be an offer or consultancy from the company.
3. Links to third party websites
Links to third party websites are provided for reasons of expediency and do not represent any approval and/or support by Heads 4 Solution. Heads 4 Solution has no influence on the design and/or contents of these websites, because they are outside the company's authority and control possibilities. As a result Heads 4 Solution cannot be made responsible for the contents of third party websites even if these are connected via a link or a link is included there.
4. Copyright
The website (design and contents) is the intellectual property of Heads 4 Solution. All materials and contents (texts, pictures, graphics, sound, video, data, codes etc.), regardless of the format, are subject to the ownership rights of Heads 4 Solution. The information on this website can be used for private and non-commercial purposes in compliance with legal provisions. Any use beyond this is prohibited without written authorisation.
5. Guarantee and liability
All information and formats as well as codes and software are provided without any guarantee that they are free of errors and without any guarantee. Legal guarantees remain unaffected. Heads 4 Solution makes every effort to provide information on its website free of errors and reliably. The company cannot accept any liability that the website and downloadable data are free of inaccuracies, errors, viruses, worms, Trojan horses or any other damaging code. Heads 4 Solution shall only be liable for any damage that it or its vicarious agents cause by gross negligence or deliberately.
6. Data protection
Heads 4 Solution takes the protection of your privacy seriously. All information about visitors to the website is administered in accordance with legal provisions. You determine which personal data we become of aware of by entering and/or sending your data.
7. All accesses to the website are stored with registration
This data (date, processor address and document read) serve statistical purposes and are evaluated anonymously.
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